update on yesterday

Ok I couldn't finish my entry yesterday because Steph was on the phone, so I ended it quickly...

Yesterday afternoon I came from University with a major headache so I decided to lie down until dinner ( it was 3h30pm)

So I fell asleep all dressed up with all my University papers next to me on the bed....

Near 4h30pm someone turned the lights on in my room so I woke up: It was Nic.

I thought I was still dreaming because habitually he drive back to T-R at noon at the end of the week end, but he was still there. Weird because I talked to him in the morning because I wanted to say good bye before he went back to his house....

Seems like he wanted to see me before he leaved. I was so happy he was there. He stayed more than half an hour and he still asked me if I wanted to go live with him after University... I'm beginning to think he's serious! :-o

Any way he told me that he probably won't come here next week end...he said that it's time he tries to stay there on the week ends and meet some people, because he IS staying there for three years! It's logical, but still, I'm gonna miss him so much if he stay there next weekend!

Annie wrote me an email from Europe yesterday, but it has no text....Seems like she's having a lot of troubles with internet up there...I wish she would wrote back.... I sent her another email to tell her that hers has not arrived properly... I miss her, and she's only coming back in August!

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