First day

First day today at the cafe. I'm exhausted! Not just because of that but also because I was at University from 8h30AM to 7h30PM.

It's gonna be pretty fun working there. My coworkers are great. I'm happy. Happy but tired. And I'm working at 7h15AM tomorrow. That means I will have to wake at 6 or even before that to get there on time. I better go to bed now...

It's just that I don't feel like it.

My room is all pretty now that we painted it. The walls are wheat yellow and I have a new wooden floor too. It's refreshing, the dark blue was really too depressing for me.

It's seems like I have a ton of stuff to say but I don't know where to begin.

I spent Spring Break in TR and it was really nice. Nic was really nice too ;) It was good to be with him during all those days.

I'll come back tomorrow, I think I'm going to bed...

Good night!

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