Appointment day

I am SOOO tired today, I stayed up till 3:something am last night. But it's not my fault; I was reading the fourth Harry Potter book, and I just didn't know when to stop! Ok maybe it's a little childish for a 20 year old, but I love those books! Every hour I was lighting up a cigarette and thinking, ok after this I go to bed...but no, I just couldn't stop! :-)

Any way this is why I'm so tired this morning plus, I have a headache, which is bad because I have my appointment with my supervisor this afternoon (Yes I finally got the nerve to call!)and I have to do a little one hour bus trip just to get there...Well maybe not an hour,but Hey: I hate bus! I guess I'll have to appreciate it a lot more when I'll take my trainee course; I'll have to get there every day!

Nic called me from T-R last night, twice. It's kind of funny to see how much he can't live without me, even though he keep saying that he don't want us to be a couple. He's a poor little guy...he needs his good and caring Isa...hehe. Maybe I'm exagerating a little, any way I think I like it...I really likes it when he calls, even more when he calls and he knows that he won't or can't see me. I think it's so fun that he calls just to talk. Makes me feel special...Ahhh I'm gonna miss him...

I'm supposed to go out with guys from school tonight, but I'm not sure I want to. It would be fun to see them, but it's spring break, and when it's spring break there's a lot of people downtown...too much people in fact. And to say that I don't like crowds, in fact, I despise crowds I hate feeling like I'm in a shoe box with thousands of people in it. I tend to just grow very angry and then want to leave as soon as possible. So this week, goin out? Hummm I think I prefer staying home and doing my maths! If this were a normal week, I'd probably go even though I don't really like the bar they're going to...any way I think I'm too tired to go out and dance and come back home late...Any way I have lots of work to do with school and the ball to organize...Am I gonna survive this week?!
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