and monday....

I guess I was a little over reacting last friday... It turned out ok finally. I am gonna do my two last classes this summer (they are makin an exception just for me! :-)) And with these two classes, I'm gonna be able to attend university in september!!! *doing a happy dance*

This is really good!

Bad news this week end: Jeff, the policeman, is leaving his job in Gatineau and he is tranfering here! :-( I went out with Nic and his friends saturday night, and he was there... He was so drunk that he was talking to me! And he was nice!!! :-o At some point I even thought he was hitting on me.....but I think it was only because he was REALLY drunk! Any way I had a good time, which was quite a surprise because I don't like that bar and I don't really like going out anymore (habitually)

Next week I'm going to T-R. It's gonna be so boring driving up there alone in my car...And to think I don't even have a cd or cassette player in the car!!!!!Only the radio....and let's just say that the road to T-R is really boring: Picture a straight line with trees on each side! :-|

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