
I don't really have something to say right now. Why write here then? Because it's better than sitting on my bed wishing the phone would ring...

I had a huge fight with Nic yesterday morning. I left his house and we haven't talk since... I don't want to call him. Since yesterday I'm trying to to tell myself that I must Not Call Him. It's working so far but right now, it's just really hard. I don't want to call him because I'm sure it will make things worst for me. I got the feeling he don't want to talk to me, so he'll be not so happy if I call him and then I'll hang up even more angry that I was in the first place.

I miss him so much right now. I've been crying since I got up this morning and I'm crying now. I think that it's over. Him and I, whatever we had, it'S over. I just can't accept that. What about all the plans we made?

I don't even know how to describe my feelings right now...I'm just really sad...

someone just IMed me, so bye

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