My new laptop

OK! I just got my laptop today!! Yay! I'm using it right now and it's great!

I just love the sound it makes when I'm typing! Yeah I know I'm wierd...

I shoudln't write here because I don't have internet access on my laptop so I don't know when I'm gonna post this entry but I just needed to write something...

Last time I updated I was saying that Nic had called me...and you what? He called me again the next day! I think he's starting to miss a lot, but the sadest thing is: I'm beginning to get use to his absence....Yep, who would have believe it...

I know it doesn't mean I don't care about him as much as I used to...it doesn't mean that I don't love him nad that I don't miss him. I do, I really do. It'S just that I thought it would be so much harder to be without him during 20 days, that now, I realize it wasn't that bad....

I still want to see him really badly...He's coming back soon, in two days in fact. He was kidding me on the phone, telling me that he would come to quebec city sunday night, as soon as he gets to TR. I know he probably won't, and I won't blame him...It is a one and a half hour road trip and he is working monday morning! So we're gonna have to wait until next friday to see each other...One week exactly. It's not that bad...It's been almost two weeks since we saw each other!

This laptop thingie is really fun, I'm laying on my bed as I write this down. Oh I know what I should do! Plug in my web cam! We're not using it on the PC anymore since we've got the scanner! Oh cool! I should do that as soon as I finish this entry...

Tonight was Ichrak's birthday and we went to the COSMOS (a trendy restaurant, as people say...) anyway...we had a great dinner. I was suprised to see Cedric there (He's a friend of Nic) but he is also Khaoula's boyfriend, and Khaoula is Ichrak's sister. Guess now you know how I met Nic right? I didn't know he would be there. His brother (Mathieu) came with him with his girlfriend (Jennifer). Ok I know this may sounds strange but every time I see this girl I feel really uncomfortable... She was somewhat close to me when Nic and I broke up, and now, every time I see her I get flashbacks of the time Nic dumped me. I don't know what to do to stop this. I would like to talk to her normally ut I can't. The last time we had a conversation together, it was about Nic and at the time I was really depressed. I don't know why seeing her makes me feel so sad...

I guess that's all for tonight. It's almost midnight and I want to explore my laptop again a little before going to sleep.

Good night!

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