SHUT UP!!! .......please?

No entry yesterday... I was too busy with school, nano, Steph and Nic.

I don't know what's going to happen now between us. I hate that we had that argument and I wish I will be able to explain myself better to him later when he calls me back. By the way I unsent a letter.

My novel is going pretty good. Surprisingly, new ideas gets to my mind everyday and I'm not late in my word count.

Oh and yes! I just succeed in making myself new enemies at university today! I was in class in a big auditorium and these girls behind me they talk all class long, every week and I'm really sick of it. Today, it was worst that usually. They were talking really loudly and the teacher was explaining something realy catchy. I didn't want to yell or even to say something to them, but I turned my head and started staring at them. I thought they would stop when they'd see me, but no! So I don't know what's got into me at just look at one of them and said: Sorry, but I'm trying to listen and well maybe if you want to talk you could talk less loud? (Or something like that) The girl looked at me and said "huh ok". I know I was kind of rude and I spoke kind of louder than they were but I was really really sick and tired of hearing them talk about their weekends! God! We got laptops in our classes! You want to chat? Use MSN!!! I don't care if they spend the class talking to each other, but I couldn't even hear the teacher!! And I know I wasn't the only one to be upset about it!

Anyway the stopped talking for the rest of the class which is good, and I understood what the teacher was saying which is even better! But I don't think I'll be friends with those girls....not that I wanted to in the first place but damn, they are in every single class that I have!

I think next class, I'm gonna sit somewhere else...

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