I got a job!

I forgot to write an entry yesterday, but the good news is, I actually have more things to write today!

First of all, I got a summer job!!!! Yay!! It's so cool! I had this interview tuesday morning and the woman just called me to tell me that she chose me! Yay! It's a job on University's campus, not too far from where I take my classes. So I'm gonna work 35 hours a week for the whole summer! I already took the calculator to check how much I'll make during the summer: Over 3,000$ Cool, no?

Now that I know I'm gonna have money soon, I upgraded to SuperGold (my gold membership was over anyway)

Tomorrow I'm going to University again to study and to sign my contract. Yesterday, I was there all day, studying and it was actually fun! Weird. I was a few tables away from Francis so I got to talk to him a lot and it was fun. It's always fun to talk with him. I saw Martin, aguy in my classes who almost made me cry. Can you believe that this guy has a 4.2/4.33 grade average? I mean, he took 7 or 8 classes last year and he got all A+ and one A!! My average is 2.5! Yeah I know it's bad. I don't know how someone can have that sort of grades with the classes we are taking. Those classes are really hard! I always had good grades before going to University, I was the best in my class in College and in high school too, most of the times. Maybe my brain has reach its maximum capacity... It can't take anymore knowledge... I hope not :-|

Great. Now I'm all depressed...

No I can't be: I got a job!!!!!!!

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