Update on the big crisis

Well not really an update because the subject is still, well, dormant.

He told me he still have feelings for me, in fact he told me he still love me, but he still think that he needs to live something else before going back together with me. (yeah right...)

So: Nothing new! Any way, I know this subject is really dead. I've been talking about it since I started this diary (last january) and nothing has changed that much since then...So I'll try to stop talking about it because even I find myself boring!

Wow it's Friday the 13th tonight. (insert creepy sound here). Wish I had someone here with me to watch a silly horror movie! Hee hee...but I don't.
I'm alone again tonight. I was in TR the last two days and we went back here two hours ago...But it's friday night and Nic is playing deck hockey, then he'll go out with his friends. I wanted to go out with my girls too!:-( No one is home tonight too bad....I could've called Audrey but I'm too shy.. We haven't talk to each other since June. Bah! Friday nights alone are BAD!

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